WEBINAR - Research Feedback on the Development of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Label [15 April 12.30]

NDOH Knowledge Hub info at knowledgehub.org.za
Tue Apr 13 18:37:23 SAST 2021


Research feedback on the development of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Label (FoPL)


Date:    Thursday, 15 April 2021

Time:  12:30 - 15.00


Overall objective:

The research study has been completed and the NDoH is inviting stakeholders
to the webinar to share the research findings. 


The speakers and topics to be included are as follows:

*	Opening and welcome - Lynn Moeng-Mahlangu, Chief Director: Health
Promotion, Nutrition, Oral Health and Food Control, NDoH
*	Background of FOPL development  - Penny Campbell Director: Food
Control, NDoH
*	Overview of FOPL in other countries - Safura Abdool Karim,
University of the Witwatersrand
*	Setting cut-points for nutrients of concern to limit as part of a
FOPL warning label  - Tamryn Frank, University of the Western Cape
*	Consumer opinions on FOPL warning labels on unhealthy foods - Makoma
Bopape, Unversity of Limpopo
*	Evaluating the effectiveness of different FOPL warning labels in
South Africa - Prof. Rina Swart, University of the Western Cape



Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with details
on how to join the webinar.


Please share the registration link above with colleagues and your network.


We look forward to engaging with you at the webinar.


For queries or technical assistance, please email info at knowledgehub.org.za
<mailto:info at knowledgehub.org.za> .




NDOH Knowledge Hub





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